Hardware lead times cost time and money

When you least expect it, something will break. In a highly customized production environment, broken or missing parts cost time and money—especially now with vendors continuing to have long lead times on products. At Trident, we have a large inventory of legacy DCS components ready to integrate into your control system, including hardware from our online store. Increasingly, we are working with customers to identify critical path components and build a spares list on the most needed items. “Looking at […] Read More

If You Build it, they will come

While Trident engineers are customizing control systems for clients, the Trident panel shop wires and builds the components needed for speed, accuracy, and reliability. Although all of Trident’s DCS products rely on computerization, all field devices are still connected through wired panels. Trident is one of the few DCS providers with a UL accredited panel shop on site. The panels meet UL508A standards or UL698 depending on the project. At the center of it all is Kevin Heindel, a guy […] Read More

Parts are parts? Except in an emergency!

It’s Murphy’s Law: when you least expect it, something will break. In a highly customized production environment, broken or missing parts cost time and money—and could jeopardize a customer relationship. Increasingly, we are working with customers to identify critical path components and build a spares list on the most needed items. “Looking at the issue in greater detail, reveals just how costly unplanned downtime can become,” said Jason Hurst, CEO of Trident Automation. “Besides the direct expense of having a […] Read More